MTG has established a Quality Assurance (QA) process that addresses four essential elements: 1) an ability to ensure quality and timeliness of products and deliverables, 2) a well-established quality plan, 3) quality procedures and processes and 4) a plan to exercise product quality control on subcontractor-delivered products.
Our quality plan and processes are based on Military and Commercial Standards.
Quality procedures and processes are documented within the quality plan and are tailored to each individual technical order. Requirements are established, with realistic measurements and goals, and then evaluated using peer reviews and quality audits. Products are submitted to the customer wherein feedback is obtained and improvement initiatives determined.
Quality control of subcontractor products starts with the selection of teammates with a similar business philosophy and commitment to quality improvement and customer satisfaction. We share quality processes and procedures with new Teammates; audit subcontractor QA processes; compare, assess and recommend changes to subcontractor quality programs; request/approve a subcontractor quality plan; establish quality mentor programs and performance metrics for all tasks; perform quality process audits and quality product reviews; collect and document metrics; identify and report quality issues to subcontractor senior management; initiate and monitor corrective action plans; and, if necessary, use our resolution process to resolve issues.
We will use these principles across the MTG Services, Inc. Team. Each Zone Manager (ZM) will take part in adapting the MTG Services, Inc. QA plan to suit the needs of each individual customer and will have the authority and responsibility to implement and monitor the execution of this plan within the respective zone. However, ultimate responsibility for quality assurance resides with the individual performing the work. By assigning appropriately qualified and dedicated personnel to each task and by making sure task performers understand the work requirements, schedules and resource constraints, our ZMs will minimize the overhead required to deliver quality products and services. Each ZM will be responsible to our Program Director for successful implementation and will be evaluated as part of an annual performance evaluation to ensure established goals and objectives have been met.